Results for 'Ilan Dar Nimrod'

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  1.  17
    Solved paradoxes and old hats? The research needed on differentiated selves.Ilan Dar-Nimrod & Karen Gonsalkorale - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Postgenomics and genetic essentialism.Ilan Dar-Nimrod - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):362-363.
    Traditional lay perceptions of genetics are plagued with essentialist biases leading to some unfortunate consequences. Changes in the scientific understanding of heredity in general, and in genotype–phenotype relationships more specifically, provide a vital basis for shifting public understanding of genetics. Facilitating postgenomic literacy among the public has the potential to have translational implications in diminishing deleterious attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
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  3. Genetic essentialism: The mediating role of essentialist biases on the relationship between genetic knowledge and the interpretations of genetic information.Kate E. Lynch, Ilan Dar Nimrod, Ruth Kuntzman, Georgia MacNevin, Marlon Woods & James Morandini - 2021 - European Journal of Medical Genetics 64 (1):104119.
    Purpose Genetic research, via the mainstream media, presents the public with novel, profound findings almost on a daily basis. However, it is not clear how much laypeople understand these presentations and how they integrate such new findings into their knowledge base. Genetic knowledge (GK), existing causal beliefs, and genetic essentialist tendencies (GET) have been implicated in such processes; the current study assesses the relationships between these elements and how brief presentations of media releases of scientific findings about genetics are consumed (...)
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    The dubious precision and utility of heritability estimates.Steven J. Heine & Ilan Dar-Nimrod - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e164.
    Uchiyama et al. question heritability estimates in a convincing manner. We offer additional arguments to further bolster their claims, highlighting methodological issues in heritability coefficients' derivation, their misuse in various contexts, and their potential contributions to exacerbating common erroneous intuitions that have been shown to lead to deleterious social phenomena. We conclude that science should move away from using them.
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    causal reasoning about genetics: synthesis and future directions.Kate E. Lynch, Ilan Dar Nimrod, Paul Edmund Griffiths & James Morandini - 2019 - Behavior Genetics 2 (49):221-234.
    When explaining the causes of human behavior, genes are often given a special status. They are thought to relate to an intrinsic human 'essence', and essentialist biases have been shown to skew the way in which causation is assessed. Causal reasoning in general is subject to other pre-existing biases, including beliefs about normativity and morality. In this synthesis we show how factors which influence causal reasoning can be mapped to a framework of genetic essentialism, which reveals both the shared and (...)
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    Graininess of judgment under uncertainty: An accuracy-informativeness trade-off.Ilan Yaniv & Dean P. Foster - 1995 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 124 (4):424.
  7. Spinoza as Educator: From eudaimonistic ethics to an empowering and liberating pedagogy.Nimrod Aloni - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (4):531-544.
    Although Spinoza's formative influence on the cultural ideals of the West is widely recognized, especially with reference to liberal democracy, secular humanism, and naturalistic ethics, little has been written about the educational implications of his philosophy. This article explores the pedagogical tenets that are implicit in Spinoza's writings. I argue (1) that Spinoza's ethics is eudaimonistic, aiming at self‐affirmation, full humanity and wellbeing; (2) that the flourishing of individuals depends on their personal resources, namely, their conatus, power, vitality or capacity (...)
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    Surviving a natural disaster as a semiotic reformation of the self and worldview.Nimrod L. Delante - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):353-386.
    Theoretically, this study is framed within the semiotic tradition of communication theory, which theorizes communication as the intersubjective mediation by signs. Methodologically, this study is guided by Peirce’s semiotic ideas, especially his writing about the commens and commind, or the sign and the object, and the power of a community as the final interpretant performing the process of sensemaking. Results showed how the survivors of a natural calamity symbolically interacted with such calamity, and how this led to a reformation of (...)
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    Ecohumanism, democratic culture and activist pedagogy: Attending to what the known demands of us.Nimrod Aloni & Wiel Veugelers - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (6):592-604.
    In two different occasions in the twentieth century John Dewey and Maxine Greene stressed the point that educators should attend to ‘what the known demands of us’. Following this dictum, from a critical perspective and with a constructive pedagogical spirit, in this paper we portray a new paradigm for values education that addresses the major challenges to the sustainable futures of young people in the third decade of the twenty first century as well as proposing transformative and empowering educational strategies. (...)
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    The Moral Gatekeeper: Soccer and Technology, the Case of Video Assistant Referee (VAR).Ilan Tamir & Michael Bar-eli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Video assistant referee was officially introduced into soccer regulations in 2018, after many years in which referee errors were justified as being “part of the game.” The technology’s penetration into the soccer field was accompanied by concerns and much criticism that, to a large degree, continues to be voiced with frequency. This paper argues that, despite fierce objections and extensive criticism, VAR represents an important revision in modern professional soccer, and moreover, it completes a moral revolution in the evolution of (...)
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  11.  17
    Current and Future Costs of Intractable Conflicts—Can They Create Attitude Change?Nimrod Rosler, Boaz Hameiri, Daniel Bar-Tal, Dalia Christophe & Sigal Azaria-Tamir - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Members of societies involved in an intractable conflict usually consider costs that stem from the continuation of the conflict as unavoidable and even justify for their collective existence. This perception is well-anchored in widely shared conflict-supporting narratives that motivate them to avoid information that challenges their views about the conflict. However, since providing information about such major costs as a method for moderating conflict-related views has not been receiving much attention, in this research, we explore this venue. We examine what (...)
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  12.  25
    Global Philosophy: What Philosophy Ought to Be.Aloni Nimrod - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (2):209-214.
  13.  7
    Justifying the Obligation to Die: War, Ethics, and Political Obligation with Illustrations From Zionism.Ilan Zvi Baron - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Justifying the Obligation to Die provides a critical survey covering classical, medieval, and modern political thinking on how the state or sovereign may justifiably oblige members of the community to risk their lives on its behalf by being sent into war, and it uses Zionism to illustrate how this obligation has been argued in practice. The author then turns to the political thought of Hannah Arendt in order to argue how the obligation could become justifiable.
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  14. Nedive ʻamim: Ḳovets Maʼamarim Be-Nośe Midot Ṿe-Emunah le-Zikhro Shel Segen Nisim Ben Daṿid H.Y.D.Ilan Elmaliaḥ (ed.) - 2008 - Ha-Ḳeren le-Hantsaḥat Ha-Ḳatsin Nisim Ben Daṿid.
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  15. Who is the accused? The interrogation of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.Nimrod Hurvitz - 2001 - Al-Qantara 22 (2):359-374.
    La Mihna (218-234 H) fue un acontecimiento definitorio de la autoridad espiri-tual islámica. Su importancia fue evidente para sus contemporáneos, tanto los inqui-sidores como sus víctimas, y ambos lados recogieron los acontecimientos producidos. Este artículo compara estas narraciones. Se concentra en tres elementos que aparecen en ambos relatos: cómo cada lado contó la historia a un público amplio; cómo perci-bieron la tortura de Ibn Hanbal; cómo describieron y comprendieron el diálogo entre Ibn Hanbal y sus inquisidores. Es interesante señalar que (...)
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  16. This Thing Called Communitarianism or Why We Should Not Be afraid of the community.Nimrod Kahn - 2023 - In Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela C. M. Roothaan (eds.), Wellbeing in African Philosophy: Insights for a Global Ethics of Development. Lanham, USA: Rowman and Littlefield.
  17.  10
    Universal politics.Ilan Kapoor - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Zahi Anbra Zalloua.
    This book claims that there is a negativity at the core of all social articulations that provides the basis for a universal politics. Drawing principally on the work of Slavoj Žižek, the book suggests that the social is punctured by an impossibility-an incompletion-which rather than serving as a barrier to politics, lays a foundation for shared struggle. The book thus argues for a negative universality, rooted not in a positive element (e.g., identity-based politics) but a discordant one, so that under (...)
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    Israeli and Japanese Immigrants to Canada: Home, Belonging, and the Territorialization of Identity.Ilan N. Magat - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (2):119-144.
  19. Applying Gerontographics in the study of older Internet users.Galit Nimrod - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
  20.  17
    Kula’ūtam epēšum.Ilan Peled - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (4):751.
    Several terms encountered in Mesopotamian sources stand for titles of persons who served either in the palace or in the temple and displayed ambiguous gender qualities. Some of these persons, albeit being males, were characterized by feminine traits and were therefore considered by their society to be effeminate. One of the terms related to these gender-ambiguous persons was kulu’u, whose exact meaning has never been fully determined, mainly because of the scarcity of its textual attestations. On several occasions this term (...)
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    Matai mutar le-ekhol et ha-shakhen shelkha?: dilemot ḥevratiyot u-musariyot ʻal ḳatseh ha-mazleg.Ilan Perez - 2021 - Rishon le-Tsiyon: Miskal.
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    The Informative Process Model as a New Intervention for Attitude Change in Intractable Conflicts: Theory and Empirical Evidence.Nimrod Rosler, Keren Sharvit, Boaz Hameiri, Ori Wiener-Blotner, Orly Idan & Daniel Bar-Tal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Peacemaking is especially challenging in situations of intractable conflict. Collective narratives in this context contribute to coping with challenges societies face, but also fuel conflict continuation. We introduce the Informative Process Model, proposing that informing individuals about the socio-psychological processes through which conflict-supporting narratives develop, and suggesting that they can change via comparison to similar conflicts resolved peacefully, can facilitate unfreezing and change in attitudes. Study 1 established associations between awareness of conflict costs and conflict-supporting narratives, belief in the possibility (...)
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    Simon P. James. The Presence of Nature: A Study in Phenomenology and Environmental Philosophy.Ilan Safit - 2013 - Environmental Ethics 35 (3):377-380.
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    Quem tem medo do lobo mau?: o impacto do politicamente correto na formação das crianças.Ilan Brenman - 2019 - Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil: Papirus 7 Mares. Edited by Luiz Felipe Pondé.
    Seria um abuso sexual o príncipe roubar um beijo da Bela Adormecida? Quem brinca de polícia e ladrão pode virar bandido? Games violentos criam assassinos? Mas quem nunca matou uma formiga? E quem nunca "roubou pão na casa do João"? O filósofo Luiz Felipe Pondé se une aqui a Ilan Brenman, psicólogo e premiado autor de livros infantis, para fazer um panorama do politicamente correto e discutir suas influências na formação das crianças e, consequentemente, dos adultos que elas se (...)
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    L'Université israélienne contre la liberté de penser.Ilan Pappé & Amaya Elbacha - 2002 - Multitudes 10 (3):187-196.
    Ilan Pappe, one of the New Historians in Israel, answers Amaya et Bacha’s questions concerning the disciplinary proceedings initiated against him by the administration of the University of Haifa. Pappe argues that the measures taken against him were the result of his critique of Israeli academia for its lack of independence, as well as of his scholarly work on the « Nakba » and, in particular, the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian village of Tantura at the founding of the (...)
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    Neuronal correlates of “free will” are associated with regional specialization in the human intrinsic/default network.Ilan Goldberg, Shimon Ullman & Rafael Malach - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):587-601.
    Recently, we proposed a fundamental subdivision of the human cortex into two complementary networks—an “extrinsic” one which deals with the external environment, and an “intrinsic” one which largely overlaps with the “default mode” system, and deals with internally oriented and endogenous mental processes. Here we tested this hypothesis by contrasting decision making under external and internally-derived conditions. Subjects were presented with an external cue, and were required to either follow an external instruction or to ignore it and follow a voluntary (...)
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    Interacting with others while reacting to the environment.Ilan Fischer, Simon A. Levin, Daniel I. Rubenstein, Shacked Avrashi, Lior Givon & Tomer Oz - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Here, we revise Pietraszewski's model of groups by assigning participant pairs with two triplets, denoting: the type of game that models the interaction, its critical switching point between alternatives, and the perception of strategic similarity with the opponent. These triplets provide a set of primitives that accounts for individuals' strategic motivations and observed behaviors.
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    Gr'ce à l’IA, la BD se découvre dépositaire du savoir humain.Ilan Manouach - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):201-203.
    Contrairement à ce que beaucoup imaginent, l’usage de l’intelligence artificielle est devenu banal dans le monde de la bande dessinée. Mieux, le développement des BD en ligne, la quantité de données sur des BD du monde entier que l’IA générative met à disposition des publics et les « bandes dessinées synthétiques » comme Out Side (de K Allado McDowell et Ilan Manouach, 2024), permettent d’appréhender l’importance de ce genre, de ses techniques et du patrimoine qu’il représente pour l’humanité.
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  29. Empowering Dialogues in Humanistic Education.Nimrod Aloni - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (10):1067-1081.
    In this article I propose a conception of empowering educational dialogue within the framework of humanistic education. It is based on the notions of Humanistic Education and Empowerment, and draws on a large and diverse repertoire of dialogues—from the classical Socratic, Confucian and Talmudic dialogues, to the modern ones associated with the works of Nietzsche, Buber, Korczak, Rogers, Gadamer, Habermas, Freire, Noddings and Levinas. These forms of dialogue—differing in their treatment of and emphasis on the cognitive, affective, moral and existentialist (...)
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  30.  21
    What are the building blocks of the frog's wiping reflex?Ilan Golani - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):607-608.
  31.  3
    Intersectionality, Decoloniality, Indigenous Localism: A Critique.Ilan Kapoor - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    This article claims that, despite their critical-political stances, three current and influential theoretical frameworks – intersectionality, decoloniality, and ‘Indigenous localism’ – unconsciously accept global capitalism. The article focuses on the work of Crenshaw, Mignolo, Coulthard, and Tuck and Yang, respectively, to argue that, by ascribing to identity politics (intersectionality), a pluriversal politics of authenticity (decoloniality), and a decentralized ‘incommensurability’ (Indigenous localism), each engages in the culturalization and/or localization of politics – one that disavows the dimension of political economy, and because (...)
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    The practicality of using the Eshkol-Wachman movement notation in behavioral pharmacology and kinesics.Ilan Golani - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):754-757.
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    II. Die Intelligenz nnd ihre Stellung zur „bürgerlichen Ideologie“ und zur Gedankenwelt des Sozialismus.Ilans Heinrich - 1930 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 39 (1-4):150-160.
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  34. .Nimrod Hurvitz, Christian C. Sahner, Uriel Simonsohn & Luke Yarbrough - unknown
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  35. State and religion.Nimrod Hurvitz - 2017 - In Meʼir Mikhaʼel Bar-Asher & Meir Hatina (eds.), ha-Islam: hisṭoryah, dat, tarbut = Islam: history, religion, culture. Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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    Be-lev ṿa-nefesh: perush diʼalogi le-Masekhet Avot = With heart and soul: a dialogic commentary on the Ethics of the Sages (Tractate Avot).Naḥem Ilan - 2019 - Yerushalayim: Karmel. Edited by Eliyahu Samuel.
    A dialogic commentary on the ethics of the sages (tractate avot).
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    Fumetti.Ilan Manouach - 2009 - Multitudes 37 (2):285.
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    La cohérence de la théorie de la substance chez Aristote entre les Catégories et la Métaphysique : ontologie et déterminologie.Ilan Moradi - 2020 - Chôra 18:257-286.
    In the Corpus Aristotelicum there are two different theories of substance which apply to the sublunary world. The first theory is found in the Categories and selects the individual concrete as a primary substance. The second is found in the Metaphysics and selects the Form and the Essence as a primary substance. Most of the interpretations of modern Aristotelian scholarship claim an inconsistency. They suggest that if at all Aristotle has a theory of substance, then it is either the substance (...)
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    The emergence of the hybrid older reader: A cross-national study.Galit Nimrod & Hanna Adoni - 2020 - Communications 45 (4):414-439.
    Based on a survey of 6,989 individuals aged 60 and up from six countries (Austria, Denmark, Israel, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain), this study aimed at exploring the extent to which digital media practices complement and/or replace print media among older internet users. Results indicated a relative strength of print media among this audience and pointed to four differentiated sub-segments: hybrid readers—who comprised the majority of sample respondents—, heavy print readers, heavy online readers and non-readers. The segment type significantly associated (...)
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  40. Kanfe ruaḥ: peraḳim be-zehut, yetsirah ṿe-yaḥase guf-nefesh-ruaḥ.Ilan Nov - 2003 - Yerushalayim: Sihara. Edited by Devorah Nov.
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  41. Language and coloniz.Ilan Stavans - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  42.  26
    Žižek, Antagonism and Politics Now: Three Recent Controversies.Ilan Kapoor - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (1).
    This article focuses on three recent controversies in which Žižek has been embroiled and for which he has taken positions that rest on the notion of antagonism. His views on Eurocentrism, the European refugee crisis and trans politics have been the subject of notable disapproval, if not denunciation. Critics reproach him for being Eurocentric, racist and transphobic, charges which he has repeatedly countered. The article will examine the differing theoretical and political positions in these debates, underlining what Žižek’s critics miss (...)
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  43.  9
    Confronting desire: psychoanalysis and international development.Ilan Kapoor - 2020 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    This book critically analyzes important current issues in international development-growth, poverty, inequality, participation, consumption, corruption, gender, race, LGBT politics, revolution, universalism-by deploying key psychoanalytic concepts-enjoyment, fantasy, antagonism, fetishism, envy, drive, perversion, hysteria. It draws on the work of Lacan and Žižek, and on psychoanalytic postcolonial and feminist scholarship.
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    The fundamental commitments of educators.Nimrod Aloni - 2008 - Ethics and Education 3 (2):149-159.
    This article seeks to examine central aspects of the relationship between ethics and education in the beginning of the twenty-first century. Since both ethics and education are practical disciplines that are bound to deal with and are challenged by human predicaments, cultural ills and social evils, it seems that in examining the relations between the two, one is required to go beyond analytic elucidation into a more normative, prescriptive and political discourse. It is in light of this understanding and in (...)
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    The fit between emotion regulation choice and individual resources is associated with adaptive functioning among young children.Shirel Dorman Ilan, Noa Tamuz & Gal Sheppes - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):597-605.
    ABSTRACTBeing able to resist temptation at a young age is crucial for successful functioning yet it can be challenging. According to the Selection, Optimization, and Compensation with Emotion Regulation framework, one central element of successful functioning is selection which involves choosing among regulatory options whose resource requirements fits with the amount of available resources an individual possesses. Although conceptually important, direct empirical evidence is lacking. Accordingly, the present study utilised performance based measures to examine the interactive effect of regulatory selection (...)
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    Extensionalism: The Revolution in Logic.Nimrod Bar-Am - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    a single life-span. Philosophers, then, do not see more or know more, and they do not see less or know less. They aim to see less detail and more of the abstract. Their details, if you like, are abstractions. Walking on God’s earth as a pedestrian, as a farmer working his fields or as a passer-by, one’s picture of one’s surroundings is every bit as intelligent as that of the pilot riding the sky. The views of the field are radically (...)
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    The evolution of peace (and war) is driven by an elementary social interaction mechanism.Ilan Fischer, Shacked Avrashi & Lior Savranevski - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e7.
    Here we revise Glowacki's model by proposing a simple and empirically tested mechanism that is applicable to a comprehensive set of social interactions. This parsimonious mechanism accounts for the choice of both cooperative and peaceful alternatives and explains when each choice benefits the interacting parties. It is proposed that this mechanism is key to the evolution of both peace and conflict.
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    Influence of meditation on anti-correlated networks in the brain.Zoran Josipovic, Ilan Dinstein, Jochen Weber & David J. Heeger - 2011 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5.
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    Prester John: Fiction and history.Meir Bar-Ilan - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):291-298.
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    The contradictions of Diaspora: A reflexive critique of the Jewish Diaspora’s relationship with Israel.Ilan Zvi Baron - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 14 (1):85-106.
    This article explores a question that is often assumed but rarely addressed: What does Israel provide ideationally for Diaspora Jews that serves as the basis for Diaspora/Israel relations and justifies the importance of Israel for Jewish identity? Whereas past literature on this topic has either assumed an answer to this question or debated survey results and demographics, this article takes a different approach by not assuming an answer to this question. The article argues that Diaspora Jews’ relationship with Israel is (...)
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